Nobleheart Books and Coffee, Co., is a family-friendly Christian boutique coffee shop and bookstore chain with three locations across the Pacific Northwest, with the mission of providing customers with great coffee and great books, with a focus on Christian and classical literature.
Nobleheart's name is inspired by Luke 8:15, which says: "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop." The logo's brandmark is a visual representation of the name of the brand: "noble" being represented by the crown, with a literal heart standing in for the "heart." 
The light and dark roast coffee have names that are inspired by Christ's parables on the Kingdom of Heaven, which is a theme that the billboard designs carry as well. 
The color palette is simple so as to increase the likelihood of brand recognition. A rich, luxurious brown was selected to evoke the color of coffee, while a warm off-white was selected for contrast and a feeling of comfort. The typeface used in the logo is called Gelica; it was chosen because it is evocative of comfort and warmth while also conveying a classical look by virtue of being a serif.
The result is a premium-feeling brand identity that elevates Nobleheart above its competition, appeals to Nobleheart's ideal customers, and accurately reflects the spirit and values of the brand. 
Ready to shine?
Logo Concept
Color Palette
Logo Suite
Coffee Packaging
Billboard Designs
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