Silvan Outdoors, Co. is an outdoors gear and apparel company based out of Northern California. Its mission is “to get families outdoors to be wonderstruck, make memories, and love life.” Silvan Outdoors strives to maintain a family-friendly, four-quadrant, appeal to amateur outdoorsmen and women of all ages.
I designed a brand identity, patterns, and a brand style guide with the objective of encapsulating the company’s positive, youthful, and magical ethos. The logo is an abstract rendering of a tree; simultaneously, the four parts that make the tree are also three tents and a campfire, symbolizing the familial camping experience. The color palette is inspired by the natural world and reflects the positivity and idealism the company hopes to convey.
Ready to shine?
The Logo

The Typography & Colors

Business Card

Packaging Design

Brand Style Guide


The Pattern

Ready to shine... now?